What is your role at Grace Church?
Assistant Building and Grounds Keeper
Tell us about your family.
I met my wife Tisha during my 10th grade in High School. We had an instant connection and stayed in touch through the years. In 2005 we got married and had son Danny, and daughter Mary Jade. As a family we just enjoy time together whatever the occasion, watching movies and being in each other's presence.
A key passage or two of the Bible that has significantly impacted your life and ministry.
John 15:8 is one of my main go to verses, reminding me of my desire to please the Lord and honor and glorify Him in all things.
Philippians 2:3-5 is another of my daily verses reminding me
Who have been significant influences in your life as a follower of Jesus?
First, when I was a young child going through some hard times, my grandmother told me that "God had a plan for me," and while I didn't understand it ar the time, it stuck through my childhood until I became curious enough to seek God for myself.
Second, I discovered Pastor Arnold Murray from Shepherds Chapel on TV in the late 90's. At a time I was getting really serious about reading my Bible but lacked understanding. Pastor Murray taught the Bible in a way I had not experienced before and helped to grow my desire to seek and know God on a more personal level.
Finally, I have been blessed with all the family and staff at Grace Church, who through the years have shown love and kindness to all who enter through the doors.
Go-to Worship Song?
So many! So Will I and Cornerstone by Hillsong both rank up there, but also This I Believe by Creed. I wake up most mornings with the lyrics to one of those three songs playing in my head.
What is your hope for Grace Church?
To continue to see God's work in the church and community, but also that God would grow our desire and willingness to honor and serve Him with courage, boldness and love.
Assistant Building and Grounds Keeper
Tell us about your family.
I met my wife Tisha during my 10th grade in High School. We had an instant connection and stayed in touch through the years. In 2005 we got married and had son Danny, and daughter Mary Jade. As a family we just enjoy time together whatever the occasion, watching movies and being in each other's presence.
A key passage or two of the Bible that has significantly impacted your life and ministry.
John 15:8 is one of my main go to verses, reminding me of my desire to please the Lord and honor and glorify Him in all things.
Philippians 2:3-5 is another of my daily verses reminding me
Who have been significant influences in your life as a follower of Jesus?
First, when I was a young child going through some hard times, my grandmother told me that "God had a plan for me," and while I didn't understand it ar the time, it stuck through my childhood until I became curious enough to seek God for myself.
Second, I discovered Pastor Arnold Murray from Shepherds Chapel on TV in the late 90's. At a time I was getting really serious about reading my Bible but lacked understanding. Pastor Murray taught the Bible in a way I had not experienced before and helped to grow my desire to seek and know God on a more personal level.
Finally, I have been blessed with all the family and staff at Grace Church, who through the years have shown love and kindness to all who enter through the doors.
Go-to Worship Song?
So many! So Will I and Cornerstone by Hillsong both rank up there, but also This I Believe by Creed. I wake up most mornings with the lyrics to one of those three songs playing in my head.
What is your hope for Grace Church?
To continue to see God's work in the church and community, but also that God would grow our desire and willingness to honor and serve Him with courage, boldness and love.
What is your role at Grace Church?
Assistant Building and Grounds Keeper
Tell us about your family.
I met my wife Tisha during my 10th grade in High School. We had an instant connection and stayed in touch through the years. In 2005 we got married and had son Danny, and daughter Mary Jade. As a family we just enjoy time together whatever the occasion, watching movies and being in each other's presence.
A key passage or two of the Bible that has significantly impacted your life and ministry.
John 15:8 is one of my main go to verses, reminding me of my desire to please the Lord and honor and glorify Him in all things.
Philippians 2:3-5 is another of my daily verses reminding me
Who have been significant influences in your life as a follower of Jesus?
First, when I was a young child going through some hard times, my grandmother told me that "God had a plan for me," and while I didn't understand it ar the time, it stuck through my childhood until I became curious enough to seek God for myself.
Second, I discovered Pastor Arnold Murray from Shepherds Chapel on TV in the late 90's. At a time I was getting really serious about reading my Bible but lacked understanding. Pastor Murray taught the Bible in a way I had not experienced before and helped to grow my desire to seek and know God on a more personal level.
Finally, I have been blessed with all the family and staff at Grace Church, who through the years have shown love and kindness to all who enter through the doors.
Go-to Worship Song?
So many! So Will I and Cornerstone by Hillsong both rank up there, but also This I Believe by Creed. I wake up most mornings with the lyrics to one of those three songs playing in my head.
What is your hope for Grace Church?
To continue to see God's work in the church and community, but also that God would grow our desire and willingness to honor and serve Him with courage, boldness and love.
Assistant Building and Grounds Keeper
Tell us about your family.
I met my wife Tisha during my 10th grade in High School. We had an instant connection and stayed in touch through the years. In 2005 we got married and had son Danny, and daughter Mary Jade. As a family we just enjoy time together whatever the occasion, watching movies and being in each other's presence.
A key passage or two of the Bible that has significantly impacted your life and ministry.
John 15:8 is one of my main go to verses, reminding me of my desire to please the Lord and honor and glorify Him in all things.
Philippians 2:3-5 is another of my daily verses reminding me
Who have been significant influences in your life as a follower of Jesus?
First, when I was a young child going through some hard times, my grandmother told me that "God had a plan for me," and while I didn't understand it ar the time, it stuck through my childhood until I became curious enough to seek God for myself.
Second, I discovered Pastor Arnold Murray from Shepherds Chapel on TV in the late 90's. At a time I was getting really serious about reading my Bible but lacked understanding. Pastor Murray taught the Bible in a way I had not experienced before and helped to grow my desire to seek and know God on a more personal level.
Finally, I have been blessed with all the family and staff at Grace Church, who through the years have shown love and kindness to all who enter through the doors.
Go-to Worship Song?
So many! So Will I and Cornerstone by Hillsong both rank up there, but also This I Believe by Creed. I wake up most mornings with the lyrics to one of those three songs playing in my head.
What is your hope for Grace Church?
To continue to see God's work in the church and community, but also that God would grow our desire and willingness to honor and serve Him with courage, boldness and love.